Ara Güler
Once Upon a Time Istanbul

  • France
  • en
  • en
  • 51'
Ara Güler, Once Upon a Time Istanbul


Known as “The Eye of Istanbul”. For forty years, Turkish photographer of Armenian origin Ara Güler (1928-2018) immortalized the city, from the smallest details of daily life to the events that have marked its history, with the spontaneity so dear to the man who insists that photography should never be staged. Ara Güler could wait for hours for the decisive moment to appear in his viewfinder. A patience that went hand in hand with a strong character, as this documentary by director Samuel Aubin reveals with a touch of tenderness. 
Shot shortly before his death, it is a rare testimony in which, switching from Turkish to French, the photographer tells his own story: his city, Istanbul, which he saw evolving; his Armenian roots; his practice as a photographer, or rather as a reporter as he prefers to describe himself...

What you will find in this film

an outspoken photographer • Istanbul through 40 years of reporting • the decisive moment • street photography • history written in the details of everyday life • working in the darkroom • black and white but also color • the importance of avoiding setting scene • Armenia on contact sheets

I wasn't looking for images... because an image, you look at it and say: “Ah! So that's how it was!” Whereas a photo is something that has a story inside. It tells you a story.
I'm looking for the reality that passes in front of me.
I'm not a photographer. I'm a reporter, a photo-reporter.

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Further exploration


• ISTANBUL ; Ara Güler & Orhan Pamuk ; Éditions du Pacifique ; 2009 
• ARA GÜLER, PHOTOGRAPHE ; Laura Serani ; Éditions de l’Œil ; 2009 
• ARRÊT SUR IMAGES ; Ara Güler ; Parenthèses ; 2013 
• ARA GÜLER, A PLAY OF LIGHT AND SHADOW ; Kim Knoppers & Ahmet Polat ; FOAM Amsterdam ; Éditions Hannibal ; 2023 
• ARA GÜLER’S ISTANBUL ; Ara Güler & Orhan Pamuk ; Thames & Hudson ; 2009