Format Perspective
Skateboard photography
through the kaleidoscope

  • United States
  • en
  • en
  • 63'
Format Perspective


Phil Evans' documentary takes us into the world of six European skate photographers: Nils Svensson, Stuart Robinson, Alex Irvine, Rich Gilligan, Sergej Vutuc and Bertrand Trichet. From Belfast to Tokyo, via London, Dublin, Zagreb and Malmö, these photographers talk about their relationship with skateboarding and photography. A kaleidoscope of heterogeneous approaches, presented in the very DIY world of the Irish director, whose love of Super 8 is well known.

What you will find in this film

skateboarding photographers • six ways of photographing skateboarding • the importance of DIY • the love of Super 8 • visual experimentation • photographing while skating • skating while photographing

That connection, in the pictures I shoot, is often about friendship.
So the second reason why I take photos like that, of sketchy areas, is to sort of try and get my photographs to get an emotion out of people that isn't just: "Oooh, that's very nice » Maybe get a very eery feel to a photograph so people are like, that's quite eery, or maybe even evoke a bit of fear into them, whenever there probably isn’t any reason for there to be any fear. 
Its always interesting the different people you meet shooting skate photos, you know like, loopy guys or straight-lacers. There's always a variation in who you're going to hang out with and what they're capable of. I think as a skate photographer you need to be able to embrace all types of skateboatding and all manner of nut-jobs. Either way they've got something special and you try and get that out of each picture you shoot. 

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