Ian Berry
Lucky Number 13

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Ian Berry, Lucky Number 13


In this short film by director Brian Ross, Ian Berry (b. 1934) looks back on his many years in South Africa, where he settled at the age of 20. The British photographer, a member of the Magnum agency, devoted much of his life to documenting life under Apartheid, and was a privileged witness to the political conflicts that shook the country. 
In 1960, he was the only photographer present at the Sharpeville massacre, a pacifist demonstration bloodily suppressed by the police. His images alerted international opinion to the brutality of the South African regime, and were used to prove the innocence of the many victims.

What you will find in this film

a photographer from the Magnum agency • the photojournalist's profession • a white photographer hired by the South African magazine Drum • Apartheid South Africa through the lens • photographs that became evidence

One of the problems about being a photographer is that you are often viewed with suspicion and you tend to get arrested a lot. 
I was waiting for the moment, this is what you do as a photographer, you anticipate what’s going to happen. 
I am interested in using the camera as a social tool, although I’m not political, but purely a social tool. And I enjoy doing it.

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Further exploration


• BLACK AND WHITES : L’AFRIQUE DU SUD ; Ian Berry ; texte de François Mitterrand ; Camera International ; 1988 
• LIVING APART ; Ian Berry ; texte de l’Archbishop Desmond Tutu ; Phaidon Press ; 1996