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Frédéric Fontenoy

  • France
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  • en
  • 25'
Frédéric Fontenoy | Inside


An insight into the erotic world of Frédéric Fontenoy through a photo shoot. His research with his models, his large format photography, his 1930s aesthetic and his collaboration with master printer Diamantino Quintas. In the tranquil setting of a Paris apartment, a time capsule straight out of the 1930s, three young models get ready. In the adjoining room, the photographer puts the finishing touches to a very elaborate mise en scene. Frédéric Fontenoy is considered one of the masters of contemporary fetish photography. Working with a large format view camera and assisted by his printer, he creates singular images, spending hours perfecting every detail.

What you're about to see...

A face of erotic photography • The photographer's discussions with his models • Large format photography • Diamantino Quintas's large format printing • Preparing an original, 1930s inspired set • A posed photograph crafted with precision • Back and forth between the Polaroids and the set to find the photograph • Playing with bodies and the fantasy of an era • The discovery of the final image by the photographer and his printer • Working with electronic lighting

Sex not only connects people but enables them to enter dark corners, to go beyond appearances."

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Materiel used


• INSIDE - artist: Frédéric Fontenoy ; authors: Véronique Bergen, Laurent de Sutter et Ludovic de Vita ; 2016 ; Alkama ; French, English, Chinese  

• PHOTOGRAPHIES 2006-2011 - artist: Frédéric Fontenoy ; authors: Jacques Henric, Lionel Dax ; 2011 ; Alkama ; French, English

 4x5 inch (10x12cm) Polaroid film • Sinar P2 view camera • Canon EOS 5D camera • Durst HL 2200 enlarger • 180mm enlarger lens