In the twilight of a life spanning almost a century, Sabine Weiss (1924-2021) welcomes us to her Paris studio. In her curiosity cabinet, with walls covered in the paintings of her husband, Hugh Weiss, and saturated with objects gleaned at flea markets or during her travels, sometimes intermingled with her countless boxes of archives, the Franco-Swiss photographer looks back on her career and the images she created. One of the last representatives of the humanist school, she forged our post-war vision through images filled with a particular tenderness for human beings and an art of composition that she said was ‘innate’. In France and around the world, Sabine Weiss tirelessly immortalised the souls she encountered, leaving an immense, eclectic and above all highly personal record of a bygone century.
What you will find in this film
The humanist school • the post-war period through the lens • poetic realism • technical mastery above all else • the Rapho agency • the press rather than exhibitions
Further exploration
This content is for members only.
PHOTO POCHE : SABINE WEISS ; Virginie Chardin ; Actes Sud ; 2021
SABINE WEISS ; Virginie Chardin ; Éditions de la Martinière ; 2016
UNE HISTOIRE MONDIALE DES FEMMES PHOTOGRAPHES ; Luce Lebart et Marie Robert ; Textuel, 2020
SABINE WEISS : THE POETRY OF THE INSTANT ; Virginie Chardin, Denis Curti ; Marsilio Editori ; 2022