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Cédric Delsaux
Shooting Stars

  • France
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  • en
  • 23'
Cédric Delsaux | Shooting Stars


To create his "realistic science-fiction" images, Cédric Delsaux, photographer and visual designer, calls upon a variety of skills (assistant, 2D and 3D designers, 2D and 3D retouchers). Examining several pictures in the "Dark Lens" series, in which characters from the Star Wars universe inhabit urban and industrial landscapes, the film shows us the creative process underway. From the original shot in the dawn pallor of a neighbouring Parisian suburb, to the packing of a very large format print, just delivered.

What you will find in this film

The search for balance in the frame • Putting it in perspective • Crafting an image • The obsession with detail • Between fiction and reality • Digital engineering and imagery • Teamwork • Embedding action figures in the landscape • The art of photomontage • A story in photographs • Plumbline perspective • The Star Wars universe • Realistic science-fiction • Very large format prints • 2D designer, 3D designer • 2D retoucher, 3D retoucher

It's what I like about photos. We don't know what happened before or after. It's left to the viewer's imagination.

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Further exploration



DARK LENS – author : Cédric Delsaux ; preface : George Lucas, Kazys Varnelis ; Xavier Barral Editions ; 2011

HERE TO STAY – author : Cédric Delsaux ; preface : Edgar Morin ; Verlhac Editions ; 2008

A COMMON DESTINY: A PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNEY THROUGH A CHANGING WORLD – author : Cédric Delsaux ; preface : Bill McKibben ; The Monacelli Press ; 2009

ZONE DE REPLI – author : Cédric Delsaux ; Xavier Barral Editions ; 2014

ECHELLE 1 – author : Cédric Delsaux ; text : Natacha Wolinski ; Filigranes Editions ; 2014

FORT MAHON – author : Cédric Delsaux ; Poetry Wanted Editions ; 2014