Michael Ackerman
Lorenzo Castore
Sing Your Song Boy

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Michael Ackerman & Lorenzo Castore | Sing Your Song Boy


Michael Ackerman and Lorenzo Castore each assert a strongly inspired and poetic photography, made of wanderings, encounters and contemplation. Following the example of Anders Petersen, their “low-fidelity” photographic practice, which embraces camera shake, blur and grain, is opposed to technically perfect photography, and strives for high fidelity of emotion and feeling. India is the crucible of the effervescent human senses they seek to capture, and they have each drawn their images from it. In the closest proximity to life and death, beauty emerges. Massimo Nicolaci, director and photographer, himself a pupil of Ackerman and Castore, and also of Anders Petersen, built his film in India in the same way: as close as possible to wandering, to sharing creation, and as close as possible to the truth.

What you will find in this film

A photographic journey • Low-definition photography • Photography with Toy-Cameras • The assumed search for a personal image • A story of friendship between two photographers

India forces you to face yourself. It’s a fantasy world, a land of dreams and nightmares.
The territory where I photograph is very important. Where I find inspiration. It’s also the mental territory, where inside myself, in my bones, I feel I belong.

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Further exploration


Materiel used


• END TIME CITY, Auteur : Michael Ackerman, Delpire, 1999
• HALF LIFE, Auteur : Michael Ackerman, Delpire, 2010 
• HUNGER - EPILOGUE, Michael Ackerman, Void, 2020 
• FICTION, Michael Ackerman, Delpire, 2001 
• FIÈVRE, Lorenzo Castore, Éditions la maindonne, 2024 
• EWA & PIOTR, Lorenzo Castore, Noir sur Blanc, 2018 
• PARADISO, Lorenzo Castore, Actes Sud, 2005

Holga 120 SF (M.A.)  • Olympus Pen FV 35mm, obj. Zuiko (L.C.)