Jean Hermanson
The Celestial Darkroom

  • Suède
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  • en
  • 77'
Jean Hermanson | The Celestial Darkroom


For over 40 years, Jean Hermanson, a great yet unrecognized photographer outside of Sweden, meticulously documented the everyday life of workers. At work, at rest, in the streets... he captured an overlooked world with grace and humanity. During the filming of the documentary, Hermanson passed away. The director then embarks on a quest to find those immortalized by the photographer forty years earlier. The film resurfaces the entire history and pain of the working world... A moving and rare film, a gem about a masterful body of work.

What you will find in this film

• A hidden talent of Swedish photography
• Jean Hermanson working in his darkroom
• A true passion for analog photography
• A benevolent and honest gaze
• The elegance of workers at work
• A unique view on the Swedish industrial era
• Giving a voice to the photographed subjects
• How to honor the legacy of a departed photographer

All people become beautiful when they work.

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Further exploration


Materiel used


• BYGGNADSARBETARE (Construction Workers) - Jean Hermanson and Arvid Rundberg - Svenska byggnadsarbetareförbundet and Rabén & Sjögren - 1969.

• DOM SVARTA – EN BOK OM GJUTERIARBETARE I SVERIGE (The Black Ones – A Book About Foundry Workers in Sweden) - Jean Hermanson and Folke Isaksson - Bonniers - 1970.

• NERE PÅ VERKSTADSGOLVET – EN BOK OM METALLARBETARE (Down on the Workshop Floor – A Book About Metal Workers) - Jean Hermanson and Folke Isaksson - Stiftelsen Litteraturfrämjandet, Lund - 1971.

• JEAN HERMANSON OCH DUBLINS BARN – DET FÖRSTA OCH SISTA ARBETET (Jean Hermanson and the Children of Dublin – The First and Last Work) - Jenny Lindhe and Nils Petter Löfstedt (éditeurs) - Landskrona Foto - 2016.

• HIMLENS MÖRKRUM – FOTOGRAFIER AV JEAN HERMANSON (The Heavenly Darkroom – Photographs by Jean Hermanson) - Nils Petter Löfstedt and Jenny Maria Nilsson (éditeurs) - 70/70 Bokförlag, Malmö - 2018.

• Nikon FM2