The City of Photographers
Santiago de Chile

  • Chili
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  • 80'
The City of Photographers


In the 1980s, the AFI photographers, the Association of Independent Photographers, tirelessly documented the horrors of Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile and the resistance it gave rise to. While telling their stories through meticulous investigation, this documentary is also an essential reflection on the role played by photography during these years of dirty war on many levels. Both evidence and a weapon against the regime, whose influence can be measured by the censorship it suffered, photography also contributed to the construction of a collective memory. And while these photographers risked their lives to document this terrible period in Chile's history, they are now talking about the ethical issues raised by their practice and a need to distance themselves from the sometimes fatal thirst for adrenalin that drove them.

What you will find in this film

Pinochet's dirty war in the lens • the Association of Independent Photographers of Chile • photography as evidence • photography as a weapon of resistance • photographing violence • getting round censorship • a visual archive of the disappeared • building a collective memory • the adrenalin of the photographer

It was work that we thought would help bring down the dictatorship. It may sound pretentious, but little by little we realised the importance and value of photography as a document. There's a reason why we were persecuted so much.
We showed what people didn't want to see. But when they see the photograph, they know it's real. And you can't deny what you see. It starts to create an awareness, a reaction, in the stomach, in the soul. And for me photography was a way of saving someone who was being beaten up. My camera became my weapon.
Not having a family photo is like not being part of human history.

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ON PHOTOGRAPHY ; Susan Sontag ; Penguin Books ; 2010 (ENG)