Photo credit : Samuel Aubin

Samuel Aubin

Photo credit : Samuel Aubin

Film director Writer

Director and writer, Samuel Aubin is a conduit for images and texts. He films and writes to reach out to others, in both fiction and documentary. A trainer in the Docmonde network and director of the Ecran Libre association, he runs documentary film-writing workshops in Turkey, the Caucasus and Central Asia. His novel “Le Pommier rouge d'Alma-Ata” (The Red Apple Tree of Alma-Ata) was published by Editions Turquoise in 2017 and “Istanbul à jamais” published by Actes Sud in 2020, was awarded the Prix Lettres Frontière in 2021. His film “Ara Güler, One Upon a Time Istanbul” is a portrait of the great Magnum photographer.


Ara Güler, Once Upon a Time Istanbul

A city immortalized through the eyes of a master photographer.