Photo credit : Ara Güler

Ara Güler

Photo credit : Ara Güler


The son of an Armenian pharmacist, Ara Güler was born in Istanbul in 1928. He is know by the Turkish name his father had chosen in place of his original Armenian surname, Derderian. At the age of 22, while still an economics student, he was hired as a reporter-photographer for the newspaper Yeni Istanbul
In 1958, he became Time magazine's first Middle East correspondent. After meeting Henri Cartier-Bresson and Marc Riboud in 1961, Ara Güler joined the Magnum Agency. That same year, the English magazine Photography Annual named him one of the world's top seven photographers. 
He keeps his archive of over eight hundred thousand photographs in the three-storey family house inherited from his father in Galatasaray, where he has set up his studio. In August 2018, the “Ara Güler Museum” opened there. Ara Güler dies of heart failure in Istanbul in 2018.


Ara Güler, Once Upon a Time Istanbul

A city immortalized through the eyes of a master photographer.